The Psychodermatology Diploma
Post-graduate Education Program
My experience with the Psychodermatology Diploma Courses
This year we will continue with the online courses.
Post-graduate education program
Information about the Diploma Courses
Application Form Module 1 and Module 2
Application Form Module 3 and Module 4
More info:

Requirements to achieve the ESDaP Psychodermatology Diploma
Level 1 requirements: Module 1+ Module 2
- Attendance to 2 ESDaP courses
- Answering 15 multiple choice questions: the requirement will be 8/15
- Case presentation at each course:
- Clinical presentation
- Diagnostic and differential diagnostics
- Treatment:
- psychological
- pharmacological
- Attendance to:
- 2 ESDaP subspecialty meetings
- Or 1 ESDaP and 1 APMNA or ADEPSI meeting
- Or 1 ESDaP meeting + 1 national meeting to be consulted prior acceptance
- Or 1 ESDaP Congress
- Or 1 publication as first author in the psychodermatology field
Level 2 requirements: Module 3 + Module 4
- Attendance to 2 advanced courses
- Multiple Choice exam: 3 questions on each topic
- 3 Case presentations, written or 2 + 1 publication as first author
- Medical history
- Presenting complaints
- Social and family history, genogram
- Diagnostic:
- Dermatological
- Psychological
- Intervention
- Outcome
- Follow-up
- Attendance to:
- 2 more ESDaP subspecialty meetings
- Or 1 ESDaP and 1 APMNA or ADEPSI meeting
- Or 1 ESDaP meeting + 1 national meeting to be asked before for acceptance
- Or 1 ESDaP Congress
- Presentation at 1 ESDaP congress
- Role play with one the teachers
- Supervision 30 hours:
- Balint group
- Supervision with one of the teachers from the course
- with other supervisors on names and CV accepted
- Supervision by skype or facetime is also accepted on the same conditions
- These supervisions are appointed to an honorarium